National Genomic Resource Repository

Conservation Genome Resource Bank for Korean Wildlife


The genome resource samples to be collected are tissues, blood, DNA, somatic and germ cells, and semen from mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles including endangered species of Korea. CGRB collects genetic samples with the help from field wildlife researchers, wildlife rescue NGOs and veterinarians, zoos, animal hospitals, and wildlife-related government organizations.

PGR portal is gateway to information


PGR portal is gateway to information on plant genetic resources conserved in the Indian National Genebank house at the National Bureau of Plant Genetics Resources(NBPGR) New Delhi India.

DNA Banking at the Missouri Botanical Garden


Garden botanists have begun collecting small samples of plant material, usually young leaves, in plastic, zip-lock bags with silica gel as a dessicant. Voucher specimens for these samples are deposited at the Missouri Botanical Garden and at least one institution in the country from which they originated. Upon arrival at the Garden, a specimen label is prepared for each sample and they are stored in a cabinet in a walk-in freezer maintained at 0° F (-20° C).



Currently, the DNA Bank is maintaining DNA materials and information that has been accumulated as part of the genome projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries such as the Rice Genome Research Program (RGP) and the Animal Genome Research Program (AGP). The biological materials available for distribution include cDNA clones, RFLP markers, PAC/BAC clones and YAC filters.

Plant DNA Bank in Korea (PDBK)


This site contains genomic DNA list, tissue list, and their voucher information (label, specimen, and photo) wich holded in PDBK and Korea University Herbarium (KUS) both located in the Graduate School of Biotechnology, Korea University, Seoul, Korea.

Gene Engineering Division


The Gene Engineering Division (RIKEN DNA Bank) is a unique, not-for-profit resource center dedicated to the isolation, collection, preservation and distribution of genetic resources, such as cloned DNA and gene libraries (cDNA and genome libraries) from human and other mammalian cells and from microorganisms (vectors and hosts). The RIKEN DNA Bank undertakes research to ensure the authenticity of the materials in the collection and to improve and standardize the methods of characterization, maintenance, preservation and distribution of genetic resources.

Royal Botanic Gardens Kew DNA Bank


The RBG Kew DNA Bank contains over 22,000 samples of plant genomic DNA, all stored at -80°C. DNA is extracted from particular taxa of interest that are then databased with information on names, collectors, localities etc. Each sample is vouchered (made into a herbarium specimen).

Division of Genomic Resources


The National Research Centre on DNA Fingerprinting was established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research during December 1995 in ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) with the objective to develop and standardize molecular marker techniques for identification of agricultural crop varieties, important genetic stocks, landraces and other economically important plant genetic resources of the country. The National Research Centre on DNA Fingerprinting was renamed as the Division of Genomic Resources in February 2012. Since then, the division has been involved activities, generation, utilization and conservation of plant genomic resources

The word ‘cryo’ is a derivative of cryogenic


The word ‘cryo’ is a derivative of cryogenic which is defined as very low temperatures. Cryopreservation refers to stabilizing cells at cryogenic temperatures, usually below -100°C. Cryopreservation reduces cell and tissue deterioration in storage by virtually halting metabolism and hence is an important tool for non-lethal storage of biological materials.

The Ambrose Monell Cryo Collection, New York


The Ambrose Monell Collection for Molecular and Microbial Research is the American Museum of Natural History's newest research collection. Launched in May 2001, the Monell Collection will house approximately one million frozen tissue samples representing the DNA of a wide range of species. Potentially the largest and most comprehensive initiative of its kind, the Museum's frozen tissue collection will support a broad range of research, and allow scientists, today and in the future, to take full advantage of advances in genomic technology.