What are genomic resources?
Article 2 of the CBD defines the term, "genetic
resources” to mean “any material of actual or potential value of plant, animal,
microbial or other origin containing functional units of heredity”. In the same
logic, Genomic Resources are whole or parts of the genome (DNA) or its functional
units (RNA) of actual or potential value. Whereas genetic resources can actually
give rise to whole organisms, genomic resources can at best recover traits (directly
or indirectly) of these organisms.
Why do we need to conserve genomic resources?
Current research (both routine cloning experiments and genome sequencing projects)
generates a lot of genomic resources. These genomic resources are indispensable
tools for post-genomic research, be it physiological and morphological characterization
of a species or functional analysis of genes or comparative genomics or plant breeding.
Therefore, it is necessary to maintain an efficient system for conservation and
management of spin-off DNA materials. Due to the availability of techniques that
help characterize and utilize DNA sequences (without the requirement of whole organism),
value added products of genebanks can attract new clients involved in allele-mining
and cisgenesis, such as molecular biologists and geneticists alongside the traditional
plant breeders.
Types of genomic resources
- Cloning vectors, expression vectors, binary vectors, RFLP probes
- Cloned genes, promoters fused to reporter genes
- Sub-genomic, cDNA, EST, repeat enriched libraries
- BAC, YAC, PAC clone set from sequencing projects
- Genomic, mitochondrial or chloroplast DNA
- Cloned DNA from wild and weedy species produced exclusively for the repository
Storage methodologies
- 1–2 years at 4°C; 4–7 years at -20°C and greater than 5 years when stored at -70°C
- ESTs, full-length cDNAs, BACs, PACs and YACs are maintained in 96-well or 384-well
micro plates at -80°C
- cDNA clones as plasmid DNA at -20°C
- Lyophilized DNA for long-term storage
- Ambient temperature storage
Very Long Term Storage
- A Second set of genomics resources are also connected under -170°C tempreture with an aim to conserve for long time.