Variety wise Specific Traits
Name of landrace
Specific Traits
Hyacinth Bean (Wal)
Growth period 7-8 months, short height, bushy, season-rabi, grows on residual soil
moisture, resistant to pests and diseases, water stress tolerant, round shaped seed,
good market value
God Wal
Growth period 5-6 months, bushy, short height, grows well in shallow soil, pest
and disease resistant, good for dal preparation
Gavati Ghevda
Climber type, perennial landraces(3-4 years), pod yield- 30-40 kg/plant in season,
good market value, water stress tolerant
Butka Ghevda
Perennial, 25-30 kg/plant/year, bush type, pods are small and bold, grain dried
and used in food scarcity period in tribal areas, good storage value, good market
Lal Ghevda
Perennial, grain color- blackish purple, used for dal purpose, good keeping quality,
pods for short bold, grows on residual moisture
Sharavan Ghevda
Early maturity, season-kharif, short height, bushy, grows well in shallow soil,
immature pods used as vegetable purpose, good yielding, long pod
Patadya Ghevda
Patadya means more width of pod, young pods used as fresh vegetable, dried seed
grains used for curry and also eaten after boiling, perennial (at least 3 years),
cultivated in upland, pest and disease resistant, yield about 60-70 kg per plant
Pod size is small, seeds are as like green pea, good taste, used as fresh vegetable,
dried grains for curry preparation, perennial (at least 3 years),cultivated in dry
and upland area, yield-20-25 kg per plant
Val Ghevda
Perennial, outer kernel is thick, used as fresh vegetable, curry, dal preparation,
dry upland land type
Black Gram(Udid)
Dark black colored seeds, small grain size, dry upland, low water requirement, tasty
and nutritious, yield- 2-3 quintal/acre
Bigger grain size compared to udadi, used for dal, papad, plant height-1 to 1.5
ft, dry upland, grain yield-3-3.5 quintal/acre, crop period-4 months
Cow pea(Chavali)
Late maturing, reddish colored grains, crop period-8 months
Halki Chavali
White colored grains, large pod size, good storage life, maturity period-4 months
Dry upland, oil used for facture recovery, pest and disease resistant oil used for
daily cooking, cultivated on farm bunds, cake used as feed to animals, grain yield-2-3
Ground Nut
Growth period - 3-4 months,nut size is bigger, grain color is deep pink, cultivated
in dry upland, grows well in shallow soil, grows in upward direction, more oil percent
Early maturity (3 months and 15 days), mature nuts sounds well, small nut size,
seeds are small, seed color-white, highest market value, good for taste
Late maturing (4 months), reddish colored grains, good for oil purpose, nut size-big,
seed size-bold
Late maturity (4 months), spreading habit, less oily, good for direct consumption
Growth period 90-100 days, tall, short fine rice, good for fodder yield and fodder
quality, grows well in shallow soil, lodging landrace, non scented
Growth period 110-120 days, tall,medium fine rice,non-scented,grows well in shallow
soil,good fodder quality,good market value
Growth period 110-120 days, scented, short fine rice, responds well on organic inputs,
medium yielding, high market value
Growth period 90-100 days, short panicle, scented, tall growing, good fodder quality,
small fine rice
Growth period 110-120 days, tall, long fine rice, scented, grows well in shallow
soil, good fodder quality, good market value, seed color -brownish
Growth period 100-110 days, scented, stickiness, long and medium bold, seed color-
blackish violet, good market value, long panicle
Growth period 90-100 days, seed color-red, grain color-short panicle, scented, tall
growing, good fodder quality, small fine rice
Finger Millet
Nachani (Early) Red
Growth period - 3.5 months, panicle is close shape, grain color-red, medium height,
grows well in shallow and sloppy land, dwarf landrace
Nachnai (Early) white
Growth period - 3.5 months, panicle is close shape, grain color-white, medium height,
grows well in shallow and sloppy land, dwarf landrace
Nachani (Late) Red
Growth period - 4-4.5 months, panicle is open, medium tall, grain color-red
Green Pea
Kala Vatana
Growth period - 3.5-4 months, rabi, grain size-small, round shape, grain color-blackish,
dwarf, grows well on residual moisture, small pods
Gavati Safed Vatana
Growth period - 3.5 months, rabbi. grain size-small, round shape, small pods, grain
color-white, grows on shallow and poor soil
Horse Gram
Lal Hulga
Growth period - 4 months, kharif season, grain color-light red, good taste, end
use- vada, spicy jelabi, sprouts as vegetable, shallow soil, Rainfed crop
Safed Hulga (Early)
Growth period - 3.5 months, kharif season, grain color white, medium light soil,
Rainfed crop
Gabra Hulga
Growth period - 3.5 months, grain-bold, kharif season, grain color-light black,
medium light soil, Rainfed crop