Genebank to GenBank (G2G) links information on genomic resources of crop plants available in the GenBank with associated plant genetic resources belonging to 244 (ISO Alpha-3 Code) countries conserved in 289 genebanks located in 88 countries around the world. G2G presents an interactive interface to connect GenBank depositions—of 7,114 whole genome sequences, 14,685,223 nucleotide sequences and 2,109,472 protein sequences of 4,096 cultivars/ genotypes/ landraces belonging to 148 crop species—to genebanks from where the seeds/propagules can be accessed legitimately as per extant national and international regulatory framework. The motto of G2G is to present a common platform to access seekers as well as access providers to enhance utilization of germplasm and associated knowledge. G2G is expected to help genebanks track the genetic resources used in generating genomic resources and to facilitate benefit sharing in case of commercial use, without compromising on the ease of access and use by researchers. G2G is complete with map of genebanks, crop species wise inventory of germplasm, hosting institution, genomic information and taxonomy.