ICNo | Collection | Species | Other Identity | Cultivar Name | Location |
IC210910 | 10 Feb 1998 | Salvia moorcroftiana | | | |
IC606501 | | Salvia sclarea | | | |
IC604366 | | Salvia hians | | | |
IC606784 | | Salvia sclarea | | | |
IC606849 | | Salvia sclarea | | | |
IC606860 | | Salvia sclarea | | | |
ICNo | Collection | Species | Other Identity | Cultivar Name | Location |
Developed under ICAR National Fellow Project
Copyright © 2015 All Rights Resereved, ICAR National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources,
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture (Govt. of India), Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, INDIA