EC1095374 |
30 Sep 2021 |
Prunus avium |
Hortilab, Dipl. Ing.,Kathrin Knafla
Plinderheide 57
48291 Telgte |
Dr. Bharat Char, Mahyco Private Limited, Jalna GST No. 27AAACI1337B1Z6 |
GiSelA-17 Gi 31817 |
GiSelA-17 Gi 31817 (S) is the most vigorous clone of all GiSelA- types. Trees will be 20-30% smaller than trees on F12/1 and are much more precocious. Due to good compatibility and tree health, GiSelA-17 Gi 31817(S) is an alternative to Maxma 14. In trials in North America and Germany, GiSelA-17 showed good frruit quality and high and early yields |
EC1095375 |
30 Sep 2021 |
Prunus avium |
Hortilab, Dipl. Ing.,Kathrin Knafla
Plinderheide 57
48291 Telgte |
Dr. Bharat Char, Mahyco Private Limited, Jalna GST No. 27AAACI1337B1Z6 |
GiSelA-6 Gi-1481 |
Cherry rootstock slightly less vigourous than Maxma 14 Brokforest Crops very early. Excellent yields. Good tolerance to crown gall and virus. No. suckering. Ideal rootstock for deep and irrigated soils, even for heavy and asphyxing soils. |
EC1095376 |
30 Sep 2021 |
Prunus avium |
Hortilab, Dipl. Ing.,Kathrin Knafla
Plinderheide 57
48291 Telgte |
Dr. Bharat Char, Mahyco Private Limited, Jalna GST No. 27AAACI1337B1Z6 |
GiSelA-12 Gi 1592 |
A precocious, semi dwarf cherry rootstoc, yielding a tree about 60% of one grown on Mazzard. Produces a tree that is spreading and open. Resists suckering, is well anchored but may require support |
EC1095377 |
30 Sep 2021 |
Prunus avium |
Hortilab, Dipl. Ing.,Kathrin Knafla
Plinderheide 57
48291 Telgte |
Dr. Bharat Char, Mahyco Private Limited, Jalna GST No. 27AAACI1337B1Z6 |
GiSelA-5 Gi-1482 |
Cherry rootstock slightly more vigorous than tabel Edabriz . It has quicker first cropping than Table Edabriz and less susceptible to aphid. Average susceptibility to choloris and root rot. Good anchorage. Good tolerance to frost and root asphyxia. Ideal rootstock for rich and irrigated soils. |
EC1095378 |
30 Sep 2021 |
Prunus avium |
Hortilab, Dipl. Ing.,Kathrin Knafla
Plinderheide 57
48291 Telgte |
Dr. Bharat Char, Mahyco Private Limited, Jalna GST No. 27AAACI1337B1Z6 |
GiSelA-13 Gi-14813 |
Size control of GiSelA-13 is comparable to GiSelA-6 GiSelA-13 has many advantages known from GiSelA-5, as precocity, no suckers and flat branching angles, as well as good compatibility. This colne has performed very well under conditions suboptimal for GiSelA-5. Even on less favorble soils and under replanting conditions, GiSelA-13 |